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Forum for Consciousness Research – Oslo

Forum for Consciousness Research – Oslo

On April 15, 2024, Pr. Claire Sergent, gave a lecture for the "Forum of Consciousness Research" in Oslo, organized by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and the University of Oslo. Her lecture was entitled "Investigating the neural mechanisms of conscious...

GDR Vision Grenoble ’24

GDR Vision Grenoble ’24

The whole consciousness team is going to the annual forum of GDR Vision to present their POSTERS on perception and consciousness. © Grenoble The GDR Vision brings together the community of researchers in France working on visual perception (from the perception of...

Metacognition and Consciousness Workshop

Metacognition and Consciousness Workshop

Claire Sergent: "The global workspace and the global playground: distinguishing conscious access from task-related processes". Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone.     © Marseille. Perceptual metacognition explores the subjective assessment and control of...

Fête de la science ’23

Fête de la science ’23

Qu’est-ce que les sciences cognitives nous apprennent sur nous-même? Conférence de vulgarisation scientifique pour 300 lycéens.       © Barbizon (77) Journées "Faites de la science" à l’Espace Culturel Marc Jacquet pour la Science de la Vie et de la...

Donders Discussions ’23

Donders Discussions ’23

Keynote by Claire Sergent : Investigating the neural mechanisms of conscious processing in humans. Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour © Donders Donders Discussions is an annual meeting dedicated to research on brain, cognition and behaviour across a...

Article dans Philosophie Magazine

Article dans Philosophie Magazine

"On explique sa trajectoire de vie en créant un personnage" Nous sommes moins libres et cohérents que nous le pensons... et surtout prêts à justifier nos comportements à tout prix ! Voici l'enseignement des neurosciences qu'expose ici le Professeur Claire Sergent....

Festival d’Avignon ’23

Festival d’Avignon ’23

[FR] Rencontres recherche et création. Participation de Claire Sergent à la table ronde sur le thème "Conscience, perception et écriture de soi". ©...

ERC Kick-off: Consciousness & Cognition

ERC Kick-off: Consciousness & Cognition

On June 16th, we have organized a workshop in Paris to launch the Consciousbrain ERC Project. Interactions between consciousness and other domains of cognition: decision-making, prediction, creativity, mind-wandering, emotions… Programme Claire Sergent : Introduction...

Memory & Attention

Memory & Attention

Claire Sergent spoke in the workshop organized by Gautier Anselin from Grenoble University. "Philosophers & Neuroscientists" Workshop. © Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble ​Background & Aims Attention and memory seem deeply connected. But their relationships...

Pint of Science

Pint of Science

Notre cerveau navigue entre conscient et inconscient. Pendant cette soirée, Claire Sergent nous parle de ses recherches. © Nos connaissances du cerveau et de l'activité mentale grandissent comme jamais, en...

La science, CQFD @France Culture

La science, CQFD @France Culture

À l’occasion du festival Pint Of Science, il est possible de parler de supraconductivité, puis de conscience et d'inconscience, tout en sirotant une boisson. Comment les sciences partent-elles à la recherche de nouveaux publics ?[button...

Publication in JEP-HPP

Publication in JEP-HPP

With @AxelGarnierAllain and our collaborator Daniel Pressnitzer we show that if a message is initially missed in a cocktail party situation, it can still be saved by retrospective attention, suggesting that conscious access can be untied to sensory processing. Journal...

Châtelet Dédales

Châtelet Dédales

[FR] How does our brain navigate the subway? Lucie Terral is a former student of the team currently training to become a science journalist. With her colleague Jeanne Buffet, they have asked Claire Sergent how our brain helps us finding our way in the metro, why...