Donders Discussions ’23

Donders Discussions ’23

Keynote by Claire Sergent : Investigating the neural mechanisms of conscious processing in humans. Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour © Donders Donders Discussions is an annual meeting dedicated to research on brain, cognition and behaviour across a...
Les grands enjeux de demain

Les grands enjeux de demain

Claire Sergent is participating to the lecture series “Major Challenges” at Ecole des Mines de Paris. With Fondation Mines Paris. ©                 Read also Les grands enjeux de demain...
ERC Kick-off: Consciousness & Cognition

ERC Kick-off: Consciousness & Cognition

On June 16th, we have organized a workshop in Paris to launch the Consciousbrain ERC Project. Interactions between consciousness and other domains of cognition: decision-making, prediction, creativity, mind-wandering, emotions… Programme Claire Sergent : Introduction...
Memory & Attention

Memory & Attention

Claire Sergent spoke in the workshop organized by Gautier Anselin from Grenoble University. “Philosophers & Neuroscientists” Workshop. © Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble ​Background & Aims Attention and memory seem deeply connected. But their...
Pint of Science

Pint of Science

Notre cerveau navigue entre conscient et inconscient. Pendant cette soirée, Claire Sergent nous parle de ses recherches. © Nos connaissances du cerveau et de l’activité mentale grandissent comme jamais, en...
Publication in JEP-HPP

Publication in JEP-HPP

With @AxelGarnierAllain and our collaborator Daniel Pressnitzer we show that if a message is initially missed in a cocktail party situation, it can still be saved by retrospective attention, suggesting that conscious access can be untied to sensory processing. Journal...