Jun 30, 2023 | Consciousness Lab, Seminar
Claire Sergent is participating to the lecture series “Major Challenges” at Ecole des Mines de Paris. With Fondation Mines Paris. © https://www.minesparis.psl.eu/ Read also Les grands enjeux de demain...
Jun 16, 2023 | Consciousness Lab, Seminar
On June 16th, we have organized a workshop in Paris to launch the Consciousbrain ERC Project. Interactions between consciousness and other domains of cognition: decision-making, prediction, creativity, mind-wandering, emotions… Programme Claire Sergent : Introduction...
Jun 6, 2023 | Consciousness Lab, Seminar
Claire Sergent spoke in the workshop organized by Gautier Anselin from Grenoble University. “Philosophers & Neuroscientists” Workshop. © Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble Background & Aims Attention and memory seem deeply connected. But their...
May 18, 2023 | Consciousness Lab, Publications, Seminar
With @AxelGarnierAllain and our collaborator Daniel Pressnitzer we show that if a message is initially missed in a cocktail party situation, it can still be saved by retrospective attention, suggesting that conscious access can be untied to sensory processing. Journal...