On June 16th, we have organized a workshop in Paris to launch the Consciousbrain ERC Project.

Interactions between consciousness and other domains of cognition: decision-making, prediction, creativity, mind-wandering, emotions…


  • Claire Sergent : Introduction
  • Valentin Wyart : Cognitive noise in human learning and decision-making: origin, impact, function
  • Frédérique de Vignemont : Protective agency: when do we need consciousness?
  • Florent Meyniel : Confidence during learning: Function, representation, introspection
  • Daniel Pressnitzer : Auditory perception, memory, and individual differences
  • Discussions 1 : Consciousness and information processing, predictions, decisions and emotions
  • Virginie van Wassenhove : Making sense of time (in the brain)
  • Thomas Andrillon : Sleep-like activity in wakefulness and fluctuations of the stream of consciousness
  • Alizée Lopez-Persem : The Brain Valuation System: from decision-making to creativity
  • Jérôme Sackur : New directions in the study of the stream of consciousness
  • Jacobo Sitt : Brain patterns dynamics characterizing states and contents of consciousness
  • Discussions 2 : conscious states, conscious modes and the stream of consciousness
  • Isma Zmerli : Sleights of Mind: How Magicians Exploit the Illusion of Conscious Awareness
Read the abstracts

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Forum for Consciousness Research – Oslo

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